ID Cards
Pacific Coast Spring Soccer League (PCSSL) Player and Coach Identification Cards (passes)
If your region used AYSO player ID cards for your fall season (which is the same "member year" in AYSO registration) or you already have valid ID cards for other AYSO tournaments this member-year, you may use those same ID cards for players and coaches in PCSSL -- as long as all cards are in accordance with the guidelines in item #5 below.
Even if you already have cards, most of the steps below are still required. However you obtain your cards, you will need to submit these player/coach ID cards to the appropriate PCSSL Registrar (all registrars are in our list of PCSSL Board Members) so that we can verify that each player/coach is listed on your approved spring league roster and, once verified, to apply the current PCSSL stamp to your cards.
When playing games outside your Region, and especially outside your Area, these ID cards are the only way other AYSO volunteers know you are also in AYSO (and hence are eligible to participate). Across PCSSL referees are told to expect these cards with a current PCSSL sticker on each, and they may refuse participation to anyone without a current card.
Instructions for All PCSSL Teams
1. An AYSO “Player Identification Card” must be completed for EACH of your spring league team’s PLAYERS and COACHES. NO CARD, NO PLAY! (or COACH!)
2. Only AYSO PLAYER CARDS CAN BE USED (see sample below). Your AYSO region may have some blank cards, or follow the processes on the Section 2 Tournament page (note, some of the Section 2 templates are specific to their fall tournament, to minimize confusion during other games if available choose a "generic AYSO" template over an event-specific "Section Tournament" template). PCSSL uses similar processes as other AYSO tournaments so the same ID cards should work for all AYSO events, check with your local PCSSL Registrar for the best methods in your AYSO Area.
3. For coaches (both head and assistant) use the SAME blank cards as the player cards, just list the coach's certification level in the Division field.
4. If your team doesn’t have usable ID cards from their fall AYSO season, any newly prepared spring league ID cards should have the “SEASON” field completed with the current “member year” (MY) or with an expiration date that lines up with the current AYSO member year. Note: usually AYSO's member year begins on August 1st and hence cards are valid through July 31 of the following year, cards with dates that don't align with AYSO's member year may get questioned.
5. Whether you’re planning to use a player/coach ID card from your fall AYSO season or a newly created ID card for the spring PCSSL season, each card needs to contain the following at a minimum:
a. EACH CARD must be signed by your Regional Commissioner (RC) or your region’s designated representative. Not all versions of the cards have a specific line for an RC's signature, the RC can sign in any available space on the card. Note, the RC needs to notify PCSSL in advance if the region designates another officer to be signing the cards.
b. The “AYSO ID NUMBER” (Player ID number for Players; Volunteer ID number for Coaches/Asst. Coaches) matching the formal AYSO registration must be provided on the card for each player/coach and must match that submitted in the AYSO roster.
c. The player cards must have the “DOB” (date of birth) on them; for coaches “DOB” information is optional.
d. For each ID Card, please also ensure that the gender (M or F) information is provided, that the AYSO Region number in which they’re registered as a player or volunteer is shown, and their division (age group) information (i.e., 12U) is provided. For coach ID cards, the division field should list the highest level of coach certification (e.g. 12U Coach, Advanced Coach, etc.)
e. A current head and shoulders close up picture must be on the face to each card within the rectangular space for these photos (do not obscure any of the filled out fields). Some AYSO systems provide you a PDF version of these cards with player images already in place, if these are not available there are other methods of copy&paste images into the right places on the document, or you can fall back to the "old school" method of actual scissors and glue.
6. A copy of your team’s RC approved AYSO roster must accompany the cards.
7. The cards MUST BE SEPARATED – please do NOT turn them in as one sheet. If your cards are new, unlaminated, ID cards, please do not laminate your cards before submission -- PCSSL will add a stamp the card with the correct mark for the current season, and the PCSSL Registrars can laminate for you when they process your cards.
8. Your team’s ID cards ultimately need to be submitted to your Area’s PCSSL Registrar. Contact information can be found in both the PCSSL application packet as well as on the PCSSL Board listing on the web site. Each registrar usually has a box near their front door where you can drop off and pick up ID cards. If you need to communicate with one of the registrars you can reach them through their email address as listed on the PCSSL Board page.
9. Do not wait! Your cards and roster are likely take a couple of days or more to process and are likely to take longer during the pre-season crush. Processing is not easily rushed, the necessary checks often require one or more confirmations from your regional staff or your area staff and those volunteers are often busy with many simultaneous requests. Rush jobs may be possible in some circumstances, but any speed-ups are entirely at the discretion of your PCSSL Registrar -- ask nicely!
10. For roster changes: You have up until your team has played 3 games during the spring league season to add players to your team’s roster. Note: we ask that you limit your roster changes to more than 3 sets of changes per season. When you are looking to change your team’s roster, you’ll need to submit your updated roster to your RC for their approval (make sure they sign it). Then prepare and submit any new player ID cards, along with a copy of the updated roster, to the appropriate PCSSL Registrar. If everything is in order, any newly submitted ID cards which we receive on a given day should be ready for pick up a couple of days later. If we find any problems with what has been submitted we’ll do our best to email or call you.
Note: PCSSL Registrars are volunteers doing a vital job for PCSSL at the same time they are trying to help you. If you are nice to them, they can be very helpful to you. However, if you upset these volunteers, there are no viable workarounds. Our advice: ask, do not assume.