PCSSL Referees
2023 Updates
Note: the information below is from 2020 and before, updates for 2023 (if any) will be posted.
Notably field information and contact information have changed during the pandemic. When in doubt check with your local RRA.
2023 game schedules are posted at MySoccerLeague: https://mysoccerleague.com/ViewLeague.jsp?leagueId=19
Rules and processes have not changed significantly, so that information is still useful.
2020 Baseline Information
Welcome to PCSSL Referee page. Thank you for volunteering to referee and helping young players play safer and better soccer. All PCSSL games will be played on Sundays from March 1st 2020 to May 17th, 2020. No playoffs.
* PCSSL Fields And Regional Referee Coordinator Contact Info.
* MysoccerLeague Instructions (how to sign up, merge accounts and more)
* U10 and U12 headings are not allowed
Deliberate heading of the ball is not allowed in the Under-10 and Under-12 divisions. Deliberate heading is not a foul, but it is a violation of permissible playing technique in these divisions. Referees will sanction deliberate heading by awarding an Indirect Free Kick (IFK) to the opposing team at the place where the player touched the ball with his/her head. If inside the defending team's penalty area, the attacking team's IFK must be taken on the penalty area line parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the player touched the ball. Heading is allowed in the Under-14 and older divisions.
* Formal Cards: PCSSL Strongly recommends NO formal Cautions or Send-Offs to U10 players and formal Cautions or Send-Offs to U12 players only on exceptional circumstances. Coaches can be carded.
A note from the league director: PCSSL explicitly requires all participants, but especially coaches, in our league to respect our referees and all calls as they are made. Please do let the Director know of any incidents that you feel do not meet this standard.
Caution and Send-Off Tracking
PCSSL 2020 Cautions and Send-Offs (previous years are in other tabs in this same shared spreadsheet)
Referee Processes
* How to sign up to referee games in another Regions or Fields:
(1) Email PCSSL Regional Referee Coordinator of the Region with your badge level and Experience.
PCSSL Regional Referee Coordinators and Fields info.
(2) If you still need help - please email me (ayso64us@gmail.com) but please contact the Regional Ref Administrators first.
(3) All player and coaches ID passes must have the following PCSSL logo laminated:
(4) Game Cards (and Time sheets for U16 & U19) should be copied (cellphone photo are fine) and emailed to Cards@PCSSL.org. Referees must retain all game cards and time sheets until the end of the season since referees may need to produce the original games cards and timesheets if the league needs to resolve complaints.
(5) Send-Off Report & ID pass mail to:
PCSSL Director, 10062 Scenic Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014
Send-Off report email (same day) to:
Alexander Carlton (League Director) Director@PCSSL.org
Kartik Lakshminarayanan (PCSSL Referee Administrator) Referees@PCSSL.org